Can tyres be recycled? Which recycling method is most profitable?


Yes, tyres can be recycled. Recycling tyres is an effective way to reduce waste and environmental impact while also recovering valuable resources.

The commonly recycling method for tyres are mechanical shredding, devulcanization and pyrolysis. Among these tyre recycling methods, pyrolysis is the most profitable method:

1. Mechanical Shredding: This process involves shredding the tyres into smaller pieces using specialized equipment. The shredded rubber can be used in various applications such as playground surfaces, rubberized asphalt, and sports fields.

2. Devulcanization: Devulcanization is a process that breaks down the cross-linked structure of rubber, allowing it to be reprocessed and reused. This method is particularly useful for producing new rubber compounds from waste tyres.

3. Pyrolysis: Pyrolysis is considered one of the most profitable tire recycling methods. It involves heating the tyres in the absence of oxygen to produce fuel oil, syn-gas, carbon black and steel wire, which all have wide applications and markets to generate huge profits for you.

The fuel oil can be used in various heavy industrial plants, such as steel plants, cement plants, boiler plants, power plants, etc. Carbon black can be briquetted for burning or refined to make new tyres, shoe soles or paints. Steel wires can be sold as scrap or remelt for other purposes. Combustible gas can be used to heat the pyrolysis reactor directly to save pyrolysis plant operation costs.

In addition, a pyrolysis plant is equipped with some environmental protection systems, like desulfurization tower and tail-gas cleaning system, which can avoid producing waste water, air and dust pollution.

Now you must have a brief learning about the tyre recycling method and know which one is the most profitable. DOING has been engaged in pyrolysis plant manufacturing for over 13 years and helped many customers set up pyrolysis plants to recycle tyres. According to the market survey and real feedback of our customers, about half a year, our customers can recoup costs and start generating profits.

If you are interested in recycling tyres with pyrolysis plants, just feel free to contact us!

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